
Hegedű tutti

Audition notice

The Győr Philharmonic Orchestra is currently advertising an audition for the following position:

Violin tutti

Date of audition: 17th October 2017, Tuesday, at 10 o’clock.

Venue of audition: Richter Hall, 9021 Győr, Aradi vértanúk útja 16



Opening hours

The box office of the Richter Concert Hall will close at 17:00 hours on Friday, 7th July 2017, and it will re-open at 10:00 hours on Monday,
28th August 2017.



Opening hours

We hereby inform our customers that the opening hours of the box office at Richter Concert Hall will be changed between 19th and 22nd June 2017
as follows:


Richter Terem

Opening hours

The box office of the Richter Concert Hall is CLOSED
on Monday 5th June 2017, and it will re-open
at 10:00 hours on Tuesday, 6th June 2017.



Audition notice

The Győr Philharmonic Orchestra is currently advertising an audition for the following position:

Violin tutti

Date of audition: 15th June 2017, Thursday, at 10 o’clock.

Venue of audition: Richter Hall, 9021 Győr, Aradi vértanúk útja 16


A Bach család

ESSENTIAL BAROQUE - Journey into a musical era

The Győr Philharmonic Orchestra's newly launched season ticket series named after Benedek Istvánffy is coming to its last presentation of the current season.on May 18 (Thursday), 2017, at 7pm at Richter Hall, Győr. The program includes works that adaquately represent the various genres of the era in which Hungary's greatest baroque composer, Benedek Istvánffy has lived and composed.


Richter Terem

Opening hours

The box office of the Richter Concert Hall is CLOSED
on 1st May, and it will re-open
at 10:00 hours on Tuesday, 2nd May 2017.


Richter Terem

Opening hours

The box office of the Richter Concert Hall is CLOSED
from 14th April till 17th April, and it will re-open
at 10:00 hours on Tuesday, 18th April 2017.


Richter Terem

Opening hours

The box office of the Richter Concert Hall is CLOSED
on 15th March 2017, and it will re-open
at 10:00 hours on Thursday, 16th March 2017.



Bel Canto with Eva Mei

Following a couple of highly successful shows of late featuring tenor Ramon Vargas, and sopranos Erika Miklósa, and Mária Celeng, the Győr Philharmonic Orchestra is about to host on Richter Hall's stage yet another internationally acclaimed soprano, Eva Mei, who has already won over audiences at the most prestigeous opera houses of the world.

